
To speak intimately sexual with your partner or cybersoulmate online, or in a text message. Either online with an instant messenger, or using a text message system on your cell phone or Blackberry, etc.

CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RH.11-12.1 Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and secondary sources, connecting insights gained from specific details to an understanding of the text as a whole.

Textual The problem for the annotator is that a complex textual device such as this cannot be accounted for without a notion of an intending author. From the Cambridge English Corpus Whitman supplants that title with the figure of (a) crossing, of crossing over, or crossing out (as one might in a textual. Use Textual's platform as your PIM system and keep all your products and texts in one place. Make bulk-actions to multiple products at the same time. Keep track of your products and collections with labels. Export selected products in all languages to your site with just a few clicks. Textual is the world's most popular application for interacting with Internet Relay Chat (IRC) chatrooms on macOS. Try Textual for 30 days Requires OS X Mavericks (10.9) or later. A textual analysis, comparison, or interpretation, has something to do with what is in a particular piece of writing (or text). Textual comes from the Latin word textualis, the adjective form of textus, ('text'). If you see the word, it is always related to some written material.

Email can be very exciting, but it is not as textual as a session on Yahoo with your cybersoulmate.
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of, pertaining to or for sex while in a text messaging conversation
occurring between two or more individuals in an intimate text messaging relationship
I don't think I can go down that path with you Kevin. I prefer to keep our relationship 'textual.'
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I got aroused when our textmessages went textual.
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Meaning Of Textual

Describing sexual relationscomitted via Internet text, and especially via chat programs, a la MSN Messenger/AIM/etc.
by seann May 24, 2006
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Textual Meaning

Text messages from cell phone to cell phone with naughty and promiscious content. The text message's equivalent to phone sex.
Baby, are you going to send me some more textual messages, tonight?

Textual Analysis

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