
BitterSweet v3 is Flux:: acclaimed transient processor used by hundreds of thousands of users for audio transient management with the simple turn of a knob – Turning it to the Sweet side reduces the transients, and turning it to the Bitter side magnifies the transients – No dongle or license activation required – 100% Freeware!


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  1. Flux enables continuous delivery of container images, using version control for each step to ensure deployment is reproducible, auditable and revertible. Deploy code as fast as your team creates it, confident that you can easily revert if required. We believe in GitOps: Git as the single source of truth.
  2. Flux is the newest and most advanced planetarium in the Sega Toys Homestar series. Since the product launch of the Sega Toys Homestar Original in 2006 it has established itself as the leading manufacturer of home planetariums. The Homestar Series is developed by the Japanese inventor & entrepreneur Takayuki Ohira.


“I used the first version of BitterSweet years ans years ago on some projects… BitterSweet does transient design in a really nice way.”

Flux capacitor

Guitar IQ

Flux Definition

“BitterSweet is a very handy tool for shaping some of the dynamics in a very simply way.”



“BitterSweet can give some really remarkable results, and genuinely rivals other commercial transient processors in terms of sound quality and consistency!”



“Bittersweet v3 by Flux Audio provides everything you need from a transient designer, for free. It sounds great, is easy to use, and delivers great results.”

All Features

  • Up to 8 channels Input/Output
  • Output Gain
  • Controls the Output Gain at the end of the processing (-/+ 12 dB).
  • Link to Output Gain – Compensates the Output Gain depending on the Transient Amount in order to achieve unity gain.

Flux Capacitor

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  • True bypass control routing the incoming signal direct to the output for a smooth transition between clean and processed signal
  • Transient Amount – Adjusting the Bitter/Sweet setting for decreasing or increasing the transients.
  • Transient Integration – Provides three different modes of transient processing; Fast, Medium and Slow
  • Period – For setting the range of the time window used to detect the transients that will be processed.
  • Three different Operation Modes (Main, Center, Stereo) offering versatile transient processing.
  • Open Sound Control Support


Turning the knob to Sweet side reduces the transients which commonly decreases any transient-rich percussive sounds in the mix, and turning the knob to the Bitter side magnifies the transients which commonly increases any transient-rich percussive sounds in the mix.

Using a built in M/S Encoder/Decoder the Mid (Center) or the Side (Stereo) parts of the sound can be processed independently.

  • Main – processes using regular stereo signal scheme and it’s the only available mode for multichannel operations
  • Center – engages the internal MS encoder and processes only the Mid channel. After processing, the sound is decoded back to stereo (useful for snare/kick drums)
  • Stereo – engages the internal MS encoder and processes only the Side channel. After processing the sound is decoded back to stereo. (Efficient for panned rhythmic instruments)

Using a built in M/S Encoder/Decoder the Mid (Center) or the Side (Stereo) parts of the sound can be processed independently.

  • Main – processes using regular stereo signal scheme and it’s the only available mode for multichannel operations
  • Center – engages the internal MS encoder and processes only the Mid channel. After processing, the sound is decoded back to stereo (useful for snare/kick drums)
  • Stereo – engages the internal MS encoder and processes only the Side channel. After processing the sound is decoded back to stereo. (Efficient for panned rhythmic instruments)
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